Aug 27th-PCP Mixer Results

by | Aug 31, 2022 | Learning and Development, PCP Mixer | 0 comments

My in-person training that I dubbed “PCP Mixer” (so people would have a more relaxed attitude than if I named it PCP Training) went pretty well. I had 92 RSVPs and 23 maybes. 58 PCPs actually showed up.

My three objectives were:

  1. PCPs know what house district they are in and bond with their fellow house district PCPs
    1. 44 PCPs knew their house district; 12 did not
  2. PCPs sign up for a committee
    1. Only a handful (about 4 or 5) of the PCPs signed up for committees. I’d say this objective was not met and needs to be improved for next time.
  3. PCPs can ask questions about being a PCP
    1. This was successful in that I was available for answering questions. There weren’t many questions. This objective was a requirement from one of the stakeholders though so it’s in here because it has to be. Therefore, I’m not too concerned about measuring this objective.

Of the 58 that showed up, 26 signed up for the online training. 3 PCPs that signed up for the training didn’t know his/her house district so that tells me they didn’t take the training. I noticed the ones that know his/her house district are actively involved in politics so I don’t think my training made them learn anything. However, my training is geared toward new PCPs that are brand new to politics. I think I’ll work on getting new PCPs to sign up for the online training via the PCP Portal. Then measure the house district results at the next mixer.

I also need to create harder trivia questions. 3 or 4 teams won which tells me the questions were too easy. I need to have longer discussion periods between each question because one of the complaints was that teams didn’t have time to discuss.

I think, overall, the PCP Mixer was a success in bonding fellow house district PCPs. I need to work on executing the 2nd objective, PCPs sign up for a committee, somehow.

About the Author
<h5>Lauren Kristensen</h5>
Lauren Kristensen

Lauren Kristensen is the owner of Kristensen Designs Inc. She started out as a news producer in 2018. She quickly learned it didn't matter how important the news was, all that mattered was how entertaining it was. For example, high speed car chases, car wrecks, building fires, etc. deserved more attention than state legislative bills or local special elections. Lauren decided she didn't agree with this hierarchy and wanted to focus more on education. She believes helping the individual reach his/her full potential through learning and development is the way to go.


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